4 Actions That Will Cause You RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

Pain parts of the body from RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

At some point in our lives most of us have felt a Repetitive strain injury (RSI), we’ve been in pain in our muscles, nerves, and tendons due to repetitive body movements. Some sporting circles refer to this term as upper limb disorder since the condition mostly affects the shoulder and neck, forearms, elbow, wrists, and even hands. For some, the symptoms may merely be mild and insignificant. For others, the pain can begin to gradually come and become so severe that they may need to see a doctor.

Some of the signs to look out for are throbbing pain, stiffness, and weakness. But these can vary from individual to individual, and there is no standard pain parameter. Still, most people begin to notice these issues as they do their repetitive actions, sitting in awkward positions or doing forceful exertions for which you may have to seek medical treatment. Ignoring RSI results in constant and recurring pain that never seems to go away. Here are 4 of the most common actions that can cause RSI.

  1. Work-Related Repetitive Activities
    Some of the everyday repetitive activities that can lead to RSI include using the same muscle groups to perform repetitive body motions. A typical example is office work such as typing, repetitively clicking that computer mouse, and even writing. But the same can also apply to manual labour and operating vibrating equipment. These are just a few work situations that can be categorized as repetitive but can go on for such prolonged periods causing strain and injury.

  2. Maintaining Poor Posture For Prolonged Periods

    There are different ways people adopt poor posture typically, while seated and working at your computer. While good posture contributes to ease as you do your thing, the opposite is true for poor posture. That conventional office chair could be doing more damage to your body than you ever thought.

    For example, while seated, there is the tendency to overwork your hip flexors, which begin to shorten, leading to a condition known as anterior pelvic tilt. Once this condition is present, it causes other issues, including neck, knee, and lower back pain. The more you sit on the office chair, the more you become susceptible to weaker core muscles that support your back.

  3. Previous Injuries Can Also Lead To RSI
    It can be easy to cause further strain and injury to areas earlier affected with an already associated trauma. As you place additional pressure on these body parts, you are only aggravating the problem, leading to severe RSI cases.

  4. Cold Temperatures Are A Key Culprit
    Experts say that working in those chilly temperatures, accompanied by vibrating equipment, can strain your muscles and joints. While there is general muscle fatigue during such conditions, the strain can also restrict proper blood supply to the nerves.

There is a wide range of activities that can cause RSI. Being aware of the risks can help you to prevent the condition. Still, you can begin with few basics, such as taking necessary breaks during work to pause that repetitive streak. You can also assume a proper sitting and even standing posture as you work. Generally, the overall lifestyle change to improve the way you perform various activities is the key to beating RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).

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