We’ve all heard the saying: “You’re giving me a headache”. The truth is, migraines and headaches can arise from more than just frustration, stress at work or the common cold. Poor posture is associated or a common cause of neck...
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Hunched at your desk all day – How does this affect your spinal health?
The effect that sitting at a 9-5 desk job has on a person’s spine has more recently become a hot topic of discussion. So, while companies continue to roll out specially designed chairs for their employees, featuring exciting extras such...
Read more5 minutes with our SUPERSTAR – Susan Tyfield
“It is much harder to get your health back later in life than maintaining it.“ Susan Tyfield Book online at Waterloo Chiro 1. Sue, you are 17 years into your career and you never seem to have a down day....
Read moreIs my gym program causing my headaches?
Do you frequently experience headaches after your workouts? If so, there is a good chance that your gym program is to blame. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of headaches after working out and how...
Read moreRelieve Your Neck Pain, Know Where Pain Starts.
If you’ve ever slept in an awkward position for longer than you should have, then you’ll be familiar with neck pain. In most cases, neck pain will resolve itself, but in some cases, such as if the pain is present...
Read moreScoliosis, screen your spine at Waterloo Chiro
Scoliosis is a subtle corkscrewing effect of the spine when viewing it from behind. It is quite normal to have an “S” bend from the side-on position, but if you have an “S” shaped from behind, its time to consult...
Read moreIs my gym program causing my low back pain?
If you’re experiencing low back pain, it might not be your fault. In fact, the blame could lie with your gym program. Gym programs are notorious for neglecting to warm up properly and many encourage a poorly balanced workout. This...
Read moreRib pain… What causes it?
5 steps to relieve knee pain…. how to avoid knee pain
Knee pain is one of the most common types of pain that people experience. It can be caused by a variety of things, including osteoarthritis, overuse, and acute injuries. In this blog post, we will discuss five steps that you...
Read moreNeck Pain Exercises, Treatments and Prevention
Exercises and Treatments For Stiff Neck Most experts will usually recommend stretch exercises as a first-line remedy for neck pain and stiffness. But the two questions we would like to ask you are…. do you have a diagnosis? And do...
Read moreGet to know Sue Tyfield (Waterloo Chiropractor) – Part 1
(After almost 5 years in the clinic) It’s time to learn a little more about Susan… Tell us a little bit about yourself ? I’m originally from South Africa where I grew up, studied and had a private practice for...
Read moreUpdated Covid Safety Plan
A number of changes. After review of the emerging data, health advice and further clarification from our Professional Association and Health Boards, ALL CHIROPRACTIC patients in the clinic are welcome to attend your appointment. We will be following the strictest...
All CHIROPRACTIC patients must be fully vaccinated or obtain a negative COVID test within 72 hours of your appointment effective from October 11th 2021. Medical and Age Exemptions apply* Further all Massage patients must be fully vaccinated effective from October...
Read moreThe Deadlift: Friend or Foe? Part 2, by Susan Tyfield
Some symptoms of low back injury following a deadlift are sudden extreme pain in the lower back while performing the lift or immediately after, or pain that gradually comes on as your muscles cool after a training session. This may...
Read moreThe Deadlift: Friend or Foe? Part 1, by Susan Tyfield
The deadlift is one of the best large compound exercises that you can do to target major muscle groups throughout the body. It would probably be easier to list the muscles a deadlift doesn’t work as it is such a...
Read moreThe Deadlift: Friend or Foe?
The deadlift is one of the best large compound exercises that you can do to target major muscle groups throughout the body. It would probably be easier to list the muscles a deadlift doesn’t work as it is such a...
Read moreWaterloo Chiropractic – Cavitation, Facts and Science
In recent times, the interest in the Click, Crunch, Crack has been highlighted in videos like these on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc. Other than quantifying that manipulation has occurred (once the audible click is heard), science is still identifying what...
Read moreLongevity Articles, chosen by Waterloo Chiropractic
Enjoy reading 3 hand chosen articles to increase your knowledge on longevity. Eat well, train regularly and form healthy habits to look after yourself ! 1. 13 Habits Linked To a Long Life https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-habits-linked-to-a-long-life#section2 2. Resistance and Endurance Training Should...
Read moreCommon Headaches
BACKGROUND There are over a hundred different categories of headaches, most with their own sub categories. Ranging from serious conditions such as high blood pressure to safe headaches from muscle tension. It is important to have your headache diagnosed, especially...
Read moreExercise Choices: Dance, Pilates and Swimming
At Waterloo Chiropractic, we advocate for strength and conditioning training within your schedule. Your health is important. Are you looking for a new challenge away from your strength and conditioning training that will enhance your spinal health ? Here...
Read moreOsteoporosis – exercise interventions to consider.
The benefits of exercise on the human body is acknowledged within the clinic at Waterloo Chiropractic and Sports Massage. Here we investigate the use of exercise to reduce the process of osteoporosis in post menopausal women. “Exercise Intervention for Osteoporosis...
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