Sacroiliac Pain & Dysfunction

Sacroiliac joint pain is a frequently encountered condition at Waterloo
Chiropractic. This type of pain is typically experienced in the lower portion of the
spine, to one side and quite often very point specific.
The sacroiliac joint (SIJ) is formed by the connection between the sacrum and the
ilium, which is a bone in the pelvis. Normally, the two sides of the sacroiliac joint
function together harmoniously. However, when they become inflamed, this may
lead to to pain or stiffness in the area.

Activities such as walking and bending can exacerbate the pain. This condition is
usually referred to as SIJ dysfunction or sacroiliac syndrome. Recent research also
suggests that these joints become painful in pregnant women later in the second
trimester when there is a growth spurt in the foetus and the joints become
overwhelmed with the extra pressure pulling anteriorly and a change in gait.
Our approach at Waterloo Chiropractic involves addressing the imbalances in the
key postural muscles of the hips and pelvis through soft tissue work and muscle
release therapies before proceeding with targeted chiropractic adjustments to the
joint itself and home rehabilitation advice.

Some causes of sacroiliac joint syndrome.

SIJ dysfunction can arise from various causes, including injuries such as falls that
impact one side of the body, overtraining among athletes and mobility issues in the
hips and low back. Muscle imbalances and hip issues, such as hypermobility or
dysplasia, can be underlying factors as well. Additionally, sacroiliac pain may be
associated with certain types of arthritis, such as ankylosing spondylitis, an
inflammatory condition primarily affecting the lower back, potentially resulting in
fusion of the sacroiliac joints and vertebrae. A scoliosis which is not being
managed can also lead to uneven pressures through the lower lumbar spine joints
and sacroiliac joints which can result in irritation of the joint structures.

Symptoms that can occur with sacroiliac joint syndrome?

●  Pain that can be sharp, stabbing, or dull, localised to one side of the
pelvis, low back, groin, or tailbone.

●  Radiating pain that may extend down to the knee.

●  Pain experienced during movements such as standing up from a seated
position, turning in bed, or bending and twisting.

●  Tightness and tenderness in the muscles of the hip and buttock region.

●  Pain while walking, standing, or sitting for extended periods.

●  Pain that worsens when standing and walking but improves when sitting
or lying down.

How Waterloo Chiropractic Can Help

The initial step involves modifying your activities of daily living and exercise
activities that trigger the pain, while seeking assessment from our chiropractors.
Our chiropractors will begin with a thorough medical history and biomechanical
and physical exam to confirm your diagnosis. Then they will discuss their findings
and an appropriate management strategy directed at your specific needs. They will
then begin a treatment programme including exercises and correcting habits that
contribute to SI joint discomfort.

Our chiropractors may employ various techniques, including stretching, massage,
thompson drop piece therapy, sacral blocking and specifically directed manual
adjustments to alleviate the issue. In some more serious and lingering cases,
cortisone injections may be administered to reduce inflammation, or nerve
numbing procedures may be performed. But this is rarely the case and should this
be needed our chiropractors will walk you through the process and advice you on
future steps and options.

At Waterloo Chiropractic, you will come across a friendly, down to earth and
professional clinic that prides itself on ensuring you have an excellent clinical
experience. Waterloo Chiropractic is an allied health care clinic with three
chiropractors who service the suburbs of Waterloo, Alexandria, Rosebery, Surry
Hills, Zetland, Kensington, Redfern and Moore Park. We help our patients with

low back pain, neck pain, headaches, posture, sciatica and migraines as well as
adjusting the spine.

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