Whiplash Associated Disorder, avoid chronic neck pain

chiropractor helping client with Neck pain

Whiplash (WAD) is an upper spinal injury that can happen due to that forceful acceleration/de-acceleration movement of the head either forwards or backward during a car accident or intense sporting activities, usually contact sports. The instant and quick change of the head can cause strain and inflammation to the neck joints and the muscles. Grade 1 Whiplash is neck ache, while Grade 2 is accompanied by loss of the neck’s range of motion. But if the pain moves further onto one or both arms the grade of injury has increased. Prolonged symptoms can included headache, dizziness, vertigo and fogginess.

Check out the Grades of Whiplash here:


The good news is that with a few simple chiropractic treatments and intelligent re-introduction of exercises, you can begin to feel better. Here are some of them, but first please consider a short dose of musculoskeletal treatment in conjunction with exercises alone:

The Chin Tuck Exercise

This type of exercise targets the longus colli, which is a stabilizing muscle in your neck. Its primary aim is to pull the muscles in your cervical spine while promoting good posture. To begin, you can use a towel roll placed strategically behind your neck as you lie down. Also, ensure your face is lying parallel to the ceiling. You can then gently bring your chin to your chest.

Hold a gentle contraction for about 5 seconds and then release. You can repeat this stretch motion up to 10 times per session. Two times per day should also be okay. Experts warn that if you notice aggravated symptoms while using these exercises, you should stop. Other things to avoid during the chin tuck are heavy lifting and any other strenuous activity. Also, avoid sitting for long periods with poor posture.

Range of Motion Exercises

You can also slowly begin on a range of motion exercises, and these involve turning your head from side to side. You can do this while lying down on your back or seated with a good, upright posture. The exercise helps in minimizing the tightness around your neck while increasing its mobility.

The range of motion is mostly limited on one side, restricting you from going beyond the point of pain. All you need to do at this point is only to move your head up to the pain-free range while holding for about 20 seconds on one side and repeating the same for the other side. 5 to 10 repetitions at each session and three times daily should begin to work for you.

Side Bending Neck Exercises

This type of neck workout helps to treat a stiff neck while increasing its flexibility. Performing this exercise will require you to first lie on your back. You can then begin by moving your head towards the right ear, almost touching your right shoulder, and holding for about 20 seconds. Do the same move for the left side, allowing the ear close to the left shoulder, and keeping it for 20 seconds. You can repeat five times on each side. You can also do the same side bending exercise while seated. Just ensure you are sitting upright with a good posture.

Light Walking Exercises

While it may appear so simple, light walking increases blood flow towards the injury area and enhances your mental health by being outside doing light cardiovascular exercise.

Check out some more videos here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9s2D2DL740

Call P| 0296900911 or book online! www.waterloochiropractic.com.au

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